awekkzz,, tahun ini udah klas 3 toh??
cpet beud yah,, pdhal kyna kemren aq msi daftar di sekolah yang GAOLL..!! ini..
hmm,, jujur saia masi kcewa ama fasilitas d smansa ini,, kata RSBI?? (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf International) nti lama2 jadi RSBI lohh (Rintisan Sekolah bertaraf Innalilahi),, wkwkwkwkw..
wkwkwkw,, oia,, mw ktwa dlu,, wkwkwkkw..
oiaa,, ktna bu Sucikan blog ntuh haruz mmberi manfaat kpda yang liat blog kita,, sbnere aqo bgung mw bkin blog apa,, ya sudah aq bkin blog yang simpel n lgsung dari pikiran aqoo,, terjadilah blog yang aneh but semoga bermanfaat kpda kalian semuaa,,,
oiaa,, niatqu c maw ngembangin nee blog supaya bisa bersaiang ama yahoo, google, friendster, facebook, youtube, bahkan blogger ini,, wkekekekeke,, wkwkwkwkw... amin...
oia,, untuk yang maw singgah di blog ini jgan lupa ngasih vote atw comen,, yar aqo bisa taw kkurangan blog ini,, okehh brow n braw??? hehehe..
Minggu, 30 November 2008
Pengakuan sang pemilik absen 02 IPA 4 tahun 2008/2009
Diposting oleh the-guitarist di 05.11 0 komentar
Sabtu, 29 November 2008
guitar learning by BEJO
Kalo maw belajar kunci gitar yang dasar,, klik dbwah inii,,
guitar learning by BEJO
Diposting oleh the-guitarist di 18.09 0 komentar
Jumat, 28 November 2008
about GUITAR
The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It typically has six stirngs, but four, seven, eight, ten and twelve string guitars also exist.
Guitars are recognized as one of the primary instruments in blues, cauntry, flamenco, rock music, and many forms of pop. They can also be a solo classical intrument. Guitars may be played acoustically, where the tone is produced by vibration of the strings and modulated by the hollow body, or they may rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Such electric guitar were introduced in the 20th century and continue to have a profound influence on pupular culture.
Traditionally guitars have usually been constructed of combinations of various woods and strung with animal gut, or more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers.
Diposting oleh the-guitarist di 02.06 0 komentar